Get A Life Coach.Get Results.

Coaching is a tremendous investment in yourself.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you ready to navigate change like a pro?

Whether it’s becoming a better leaderCreating more freedomGaining respect and admiration from your peersMaking peace with your fatherIt all starts with youAnd it can all start right now.


You are a powerful creator…but you don’t always feel empowered.You want freedom, but feel stuck.You feel a nagging disconnect between your high-achieving life...and the insecurities that plague you.People would say you have it all…and yet you don’t feel like you're enough.You are a student of your craft, but can't seem to influence those around you.You want admiration, but always seem to lack respect.

Do you notice yourself doing any of the following:

  • Do you sacrifice yourself to gain approval from others?

  • Do you fear criticism, and judgement?

  • Do you feel unseen and unheard, even by loved ones?

  • Do you get in your own way sometimes, and sabotage your relationships?

Here's the good news:I will help you get to the root of what's holding you back.


I worked insane hours for over a decade.I went to elite research institutions and schools (NIH, UC Berkeley, UCSF),I racked up fellowships and awards (hello external validation and social approval)I was the inventor of a new scientific toolI published in some of the best academic journals on the planet....and it still wasn't enough.

meanwhile . . .

  • The more I worked the more my relationships fell apart.

  • The more my relationships fell apart, the more I had to work to distract myself from feeling difficult emotions.

A Holistic Coaching approach to Self Leadership

I coach the whole person – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.I will guide you in expanding your awareness of possibility from self-imposed limitations to a place where anything is possible.

In doing so you'll . . .

Master relationships: Uncover hidden relationship patterns that sabotage love, cultivate trust, and develop communication skills that foster genuine connection.Master your mind: Learn the skills to navigate with chaos of modern society with peace, harmony, and flow.
Deepen self-awareness: The master key to self leadership. Dissolve limiting beliefs, unlock authenticity, and emotional intelligence.
Achieve inner and outer harmony: Create a space where you can thrive, and your relationships flourish.

The results speak for themselves.

  • 80% of people who receive coaching report increased confidence

  • Individuals who engage in coaching are 80% more likely to achieve their goals

  • 70% of individuals who hired coaches felt they made back their investment With a median return on investment of 7X

  • Coaching can result in 67% improvement in leadership skills

  • Coaching can lead to a 71% increase in self-awareness and a 60% increase in emotional intelligence

source: International Coaching Federation

A Holistic Coaching approach to creating your ideal relationship

Are you tired of feeling disconnected and lonely in your search for meaningful relationships?Do conflicts and unresolved emotions hinder your ability to find love and connection? If so, you're not alone.Many of us carry the weight of past experiences into our present relationships, longing for freedom, peace, and genuine connection.Here's the thing—unexpressed conflict from our past
creates barriers to intimacy and fulfillment.
Life Coaching will help you create the relationships YOU want.I will help you reclaim your power, so that you can create our future.It's time to break free from the chains of self-doubt and self-sabotage, to rediscover the joy of authentic connection.

What you've tried hasn't worked because . . .

Not being yourself is a disastrous recipeYou can't change people.Escaping into the future only leads to further discontent.True transformation starts from within, rooted in acceptance, forgiveness, and embracing the present moment.I am here to guide you on this journey of self-discovery and relationship transformation.Together, we'll explore the power of stillness, the practice of forgiveness, and the art of letting go.I'll help you create a vision for your life that aligns with your deepest desires and highest aspirations, empowering you to cultivate fulfilling relationships and find the love and connection you seek.It's time to step into the light of your own truth, to embrace the fullness of who you are, and to celebrate the beauty of your journey.With courage, compassion, and a commitment to growth, you can break free from old patterns and rediscover the boundless possibilities that lie within your heart.

You are about to embark on an incredible journey . . .

Are you ready to embark on this transformative inner journey to create the love, and outer relationship you want?Together, we'll reinstate hope and unlock the potential for deep and meaningful connections in your life.


"Immediately after starting with Alex, huge shifts began to take place within both of us. Long established patterns in our relationship transformed.Deeper healing came for us both as individuals and as a couple. We are happier, more playful, more connected and more understanding of each other at a heart level.Learning about masculine and feminine energy in a marriage setting was a revolutionary shift for us. The spark is back in our marriage again and we are excited for the future.We would not be here today without coaching with Alex!!"
-Mark H.

“Before working with Alex I was drowning in a pool of booze and vomit, with little regard to my health or professional development. I lacked the ability to commit to timelines, especially in regards to health.I also had major issues with anger towards those who had wronged me in the past.I was drinking excessively, dealing with self loathing, and felt a mild sense of helplessness. I also struggled putting my ideas into action. I had difficulty dealing with excessive stress. The only thing I cared about was making money, and yet my life was falling apart.Working with Alex helped improve my health—both mental, and physical. A major benefit has been cultivating self empowerment practices—and creating more space for creativity, and time with my family–rather than simply focusing on money.Health-wise, I’ve started the process of getting back in shape, I’ve created more strength, more discipline, and self empowerment. Not only have I overcome negative thoughts and beliefs, I’ve also been able to cut back on my need to drink.I’ve also grown as a person, and I’m more aware of my feelings and how they impact me throughout the day.I was in need of something different in life to break difficult patterns and routines, and Alex came along at the right time.”-Kyle W.

Hi! My name's Alex Padrón

I'm a life and leadership coach, writer, and scientist who is committed to guiding people and organizations into their highest potential.After being stuck in a toxic work environment, I left my successful career as a molecular biologist to pursue my passion for life and leadership coaching.

Alex Padrón, PhD


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